Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Little Miss Olivia

     Even without seeing her face, anyone who knows her would recognize little Miss Olivia in this painting. This child has contained a stillness and a peacefulness about her since she was born. What others of us might take a lifetime to attain - the gift of being okay with who we are - this little girl has had from the beginning. She's ten or eleven now, and I am happy to say, has retained her strong center and carries it with her in all the ways she's living her life.

     Its amazing to me how much of her you can see in this simple pose, even though you can't actually see her face. Painting people and children from this angle has shown me how posture captures a person's essence sometimes even more than facial expression.

1 comment:

  1. Everything about this painting is wonderful...but the colors are absolutely perfect!
